Open-Source platforms for
innovative solutions

We at Covalense Global, deliver innovative sustainable solutions for optimal IT spend. Our long term marquee customers list is a testimony of our high quality delivery model.


Application Design, Develop, Test and Implement
Architecture Review
Migration and Re-engineering
DB Programming, Migration and Management
Code Refactoring & Review
Web Services & Messaging
Information & Content Management
Collaboration Platforms/ Portals
Enterprise Application Integration
Data warehouse & Data Mining
Analytics & BI Portals
Data Visualization & Integration
Dashboards & Performance Metrics
Enterprise Reporting
Consulting & Development
Design and Manage Migration
System Integration and Deployment
SaaS & PaaS Solutions
Forms, Workflows and Enterprise Search
Develop Enterprise Social/Collaborative Solutions
Other Service Provider (OSP) Integrations
Migration Study, Compatibility Assessment and Road Map
Design Migrations

Technology stack

Our Java and Open Source Practice

The Go-To Partner of Choice: A one-stop shop for multiple open Source technologies

Taking our customers to the next level: The product we developed accelerated our customer to be listed on the Australia Stock Exchange

A Digital Partner: Developed extremely complex middleware using latest technologies

A Pioneer: Taking the customer through Outsourcing journey for the first time

Our Successful Solutions

A cloud platform for global banks offering strategic business insights into key data retrieval and presentation
SaaS software for Streamlined job management of trade businesses to automate business and scheduling processes.
ECMS for one of the leading software groups incorporating local govt standards
Middleware development for one of the digital telcos
System Services Framework (SSF) – Web GUI solution embedded in Network Power System to help a leading Manufacturing company
Online E-commerce portal for a customer in the Fashion business

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