Obtain a clear view on your Business Risks and Opportunities…

Designed and developed a risk assessment system in Microsoft framework that provides 360˚multi-dimensional and holistic view of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, risks and actions (SWORA).


FlipView™ Limited New Zealand provides a critically acclaimed online platform FlipView™ Dashboard which combines sophisticated survey technology, visually stunning dashboard reporting, and simple project management platforms to help organisations with risk management pathway to check the overall health of the business and strategy. The platform was originally branded as Risk Dashboard and it followed the design of the dashboard of a Volvo P1800s evolved by its founder, Ben Stevens who has an extensive background in risk assessment and strategic planning,  and having spent decades working in senior roles across a variety of industries in the UK, Europe and Australasia.

In 2018, FlipView was awarded by the CIO Advisor APAC as one of the region’s top 10 Enterprise Risk Management companies.

Business Scenario

Most of the business organisations are using vast and sterile spread sheet matrixes and unable to distil meaningful information to gauge their biggest business risks. Lack of time and resources to manage the strategic planning or risk assessment processes are the critical factors affecting the businesses. Besides they are struggling to get a complete view on their business risks and struggling to effect the desired change in their organisation.


FlipView™ partnered with Covalense in developing the product through an offshore engagement. Utilising the Microsoft technologies in a cloud-based SaaS model, the product engineering has been undertaken for the past 2 years, leveraging the benefits of the offshore delivery model, dedicated infrastructure and resources under a well-defined process. In Nov ’18, Covalense invested in the further development and marketing of the FlipView™ as an enterprise product.


FlipView™ is a fully integrated, scalable and powerful software platform that gives a multi-dimensional view on a company’s key risks and opportunities. The platform helps drive the strategic planning and risk assessment processes, transforming these functions to something that is both dynamic and action oriented through the incorporation of surveys, dashboards, workshopping functionality, Gantt-Charts, and real time market feeds on key risk and opportunity indicators.

FlipView™ provides a 360˚ of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, risks and actions (SWORA). The platform streamlines and automates the information gathering through a series of simple short surveys and it aggregates, evaluates and allows you to quickly reach consensus on what really matters. It also conducts the ratio-analysis or compare key financial KPIs to economic indicators besides run anonymous pulse surveys on employee engagement or strategy execution and get a high-level sense of whether key systems and controls are in place via the systems surveys and reports.

FlipView™ takes the security of your data seriously with SSL encrypted domain and the data is hosted in the cloud (Azure), and dashboard access can only be granted via two factor authentication. FlipView™ can receive curated feeds on key suppliers, customers and competitors from a variety of some of the world’s best publications.

Business Values

As majority of the business organisations uses vast and sterile spread sheet matrixes and are unable to distil meaningful information to gauge their biggest business risks, the FlipView™ dashboard really identifies the biggest risks but has also helps in crystallising many opportunities and provide all critical factors across the entire breadth of the business organisation concisely laid out on one screen.
The clarity with which the information is presented by FlipView™ will makes it easy to extract the relevant parts of information for day to day management of risks with staff, governance or helps in identifying strategic opportunities and create action plans to achieve them.
The system provides a risk management pathway to check the overall health of the business regularly as opposed to an outdated series of spreadsheets which difficult to discern.
FlipView is a powerful software that actively assists with strategic planning and direction and helps the businesses genuinely as opposed to a ‘tick box’ compliance platform.
When there is a requirement for significant review and update of risk framework, including updating the base data through a questionnaire process, FlipView™ provides the energy and discipline to the data collection and provides a better reporting to the Management with a process to regularly update the data in a structured way.
FlipView™ provides clarity and phenomenal ability to automatically aggregate and report large data sets. And plays a key role in reaching consensus around businesses’ key risks and opportunities and helps them in both short and long-term strategic planning.
FlipView™ for us has become an integral platform for strategic planning. The system offers a straightforward mechanism to translate business strategy (including the internal and external risk factors to achieving it) to a format that the senior management understand better.
For businesses that are growing or aren’t growing fast, the FlipView™ RD surveys and dashboards are excellent platforms to help in navigate the strategic risks and opportunities and create effective strategies and operational plans.
FlipView™ paves the way for fresh thinking about how to consider, assess and respond to risks and it has changed the way risk is viewed. From business perspective, the platform helps in prioritising the business activities appropriately to address both risks and opportunities. The ability to individually record, rate and consolidate the risks for an agreed management view is extremely useful feature of the platform.

About Covalense

As a well-recognised and reliable IT transformation partner to clients, Covalense is one of the fastest growing, flexible and adaptable IT services and solutions companies.

As Microsoft Gold Partner with unique combination of consulting skills and implementation experience around Microsoft technologies, Covalense recognised face for Microsoft solutions in Australasia and have the distinction of serving F500 companies and well recognised brands worldwide.

we empower our customers with pragmatic and vendor independent business solutions in cloud environment to build loyal customer base with enhanced user experience and avoid vendor lock-ins.

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