Social Responsibility

Working towards a stronger, better, healthier and happier world!

Good Times

Good Times is a Covalense Global initiative that sponsors daily nutrition, books and vital services to the needy.


We identify and fund non-profit organizations that provide vital services to the needy. Our volunteers visit and provide the necessary orientation for healthy diet and physical exercises. We sponsor fun activities for developing healthy emotional and mental strength.

Social commitmentin Education

We sponsor yearly school fees, books & stationery and enable orphans to be educated in good schools. We understand the importance of education and inspire the kids for continuing their education. Our volunteers spend quality time and give the necessary moral support to make them happy and healthy, to develop as model citizens.

Go GreenCampaigns

Our volunteers participate in Avenue Plantation, Institutional Plantation and Homestead Plantation. Earth Day is celebrated grand marking the importance of our responsibility to encourage greenery wherever possible.

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