Enterprise Application Development

Services for enhancing
Knowledge capital through
competitive outsourcing delivery modal
with deep domain expertise,
Robust technologies and industry standards


Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (www.twoa.ac.nz) is one of New Zealand’s largest tertiary education providers. They offer a comprehensive range of certificate to degree level qualifications to New Zealanders and holistic education opportunities of the highest quality for Māori, peoples of Aotearoa and the world. Their subsidiary, Open Wānanga offers home based learning (HBL) programmes which are recognised by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), the Crown entity responsible for the quality assurance of tertiary training providers.

As a national provider of foundation education programmes, TWoA has a national network of regional and private providers with administrative rohe (regions) covering the country, each of which is responsible for programme delivery, community networks and collaboration with local Tertiary Education Institutions (TEIs). TWoA has campus presence in over 80 towns across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Business Challenges

Problems of curriculum management, admissions and performance measurement.
Lack of efficient and automated solutions leading to increased operational costs and errors in programme execution.
Improving quality and performance to meet new benchmarks set down in the tertiary education reforms.
Tight operating budgets vis-à-vis increased number of students and applications.
Different Student (Tauira) populations and Stakeholders with different interests.
Increasing cross sector collaboration opportunities and improving staircasing and pathways between Wānanga and other tertiary education providers.
Shrinking government funds and increased education regulations/ benchmarks set down in the tertiary education reforms by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
Problems of management of courses and lack of cross functional communication.


In 2006, Open Wānanga selected Covalense Global as their preferred development vendor and entered into Master Service Agreement for application development, support and maintenance. Since then Covalense Global has been involved in building their IP in line with the business objectives of Wānanga across New Zealand Tertiary sector. In a dual onsite-offshore managed services model, Covalense Global deployed a 15-member composite team to undertake enterprise application development, and programme automation in Microsoft framework across Wānanga’s business operations. Some of the important engagement are:

Provider Administration Management System (PAMS) – the flagship system of Wānanga to manage Providers, Students, Tutors, Class, Attendance, Assessments, Payments and interaction with NZQA approved student database.
PAMS Android – a mobile enterprise application that works in conjunction with the PAMS web system to manage the programmes.
Programme Development Automation – Also known as He Arataki Matauranga (HAM) is a highly intuitive programme automation used by all stakeholders of Wānanga. HAM provides the process and workflow for design of a student courses from inception to fully NZQA compliant course for launch in each academic year. Aspects of collaboration, content management, document and record management and workflows are involved in this enterprise application.
Paperless Office System (POS) – a unique web based intelligent search and centralized document repository with controlled access permissions to respective departments and groups of users to directly scan/upload documents to the repository of their students.
Numeracy and Literacy Programmes – An enterprise Android tablet app known as Papa Kupu will enables the students to learn the course curriculum which conducted via videos.
Student Support Portal – an online Māori Ora programme portal for the students of Australia, giving them the opportunity to reconnect and gain an understanding of the Māori culture and educational courses. The portal with intuitive assessment modules is to facilitate flexible online learning with video conference/chat tools, social media integration, online student support and is integrated with Wānanga’s on premises applications leveraging the Hybrid cloud solution.
Provider Performance Management System (PPMS) – the system measures the performance of the providers, undertakes their monthly payments and manages the pay for the performances.
Automated Distribution System-Correspondence Support System (ADS-CSS) – a supply chain solution for assembling the student kits, barcoding and tracking after dispatch to students. The system deduces the manual intervention and enhances the business process across Wānanga.
Warehouse Management System (WMS) – a web based mid-enterprise application tailored for managing the warehouses of TWoA with key features like inventory, stock movement, online ordering, sales, stock positions, rack space management and integration with Microsoft Grate Plains and handheld mobile scanners.
Web Enrolments and Prospects – a web based system for managing the student enrolments and scout for prospective student information and their interests in different courses offered by TWoA.
Open Wānanga Reporting Centre (OWRC) – development of management/KPI reports specifically designed for Wānanga’s Strategy & Analysis Group department covering enrolments, management of targets, enrolment forecasting etc.
Annual Support and Maintenance – undertaking annual support of more than 20 x enterprise applications in 8 x 5 mode with industry level SLAs in Managed services mode. Covalense Global located a team onsite supported by the offshore team.

Business Benefits

A single stop shop providing a wide range of custom developments across web, desktop, cloud, and mobile applications which are meeting the client’s vision and business requirements.
Cost benefits and low turn round solutions and services leveraging the advantages of outsourcing value chain.
Control on IP supported by the exhaustive technical documentation provided by Covalense Global.
Highly experienced and dedicated technical leadership and motivated development teams providing the benefits of IP retention.
Reduced maintenance costs due to Covalense’s extensive domain and LOB application implementation experience.
Business process turnaround time for student extension and re-enrolment reduced from 3 days to few minutes.
Access / indexing of 500,000 digitized student documents on the fly with integration of enterprise document management system.

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